Portfolio Explorer
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Please note that many of the portfolios below are proxies for the actual portfolio. Most are based in publications by these managers on how to achieve similar allocation using ETFs.
Expect substantial tracking error compared to their flagship products
Consolidated Performance for All portfolios below including
Portfolio | Allocation | Risk | Description | Profile |
Classic 60/40 portfolio | Moderate |
A classic 60/40 portfolio constructed with the S&P 500 and US Treasuries.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Moderate Investors
Diversified Bond Portfolio | Conservative |
A portfolio constructed with US Treasuries and Corporate Bonds including high yield.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Corporate Treasuries
>> Conservative Investors >> Retirees |
Tether Portfolio | Customized |
Tether's latest portfolio according to their disclosures. Their asset allocation is mostly cash and very short term bonds.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Custom Portfolio
>> Corporate Treasuries |
Multi-Asset Portfolio | Moderate to Aggressive |
A multi-asset class portfolio including bonds, US and international equities, and commodities.
Rebalance Frequency: semi-annually |
>> Endowments
>> Institutions >> HNW Individuals |
Rat Poison Portfolio | Aggressive |
Bitcoin's biggest critics. An equally-weighted portfolio consisting Berkshire Hathaway, JP Morgan, BlackRock and Microsoft.
Rebalance Frequency: semi-annually |
>> Custom Portfolio
All Seasons Portfolio | Moderate |
This is a proxy portfolio based on Ray Dalio's famous All Weather fund.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Individuals
>> Moderate Risk Investors |
Merriman Ultimate Portfolio | Moderate |
The Merriman Ultimate portfolio by Paul Merriman seeks to diversify investments as broadly as possible across countries, company size, and valuation.
Rebalance Frequency: annually |
>> Individuals
>> Moderate Risk Investors |
Swensen Portfolio (Yale Endowment) | Moderate |
Renowned for managing the Yale Endowment, David Swensen has designed the Swensen Portfolio for everyday investors, effectively democratizing investment strategies usually reserved for large institutions. His book, Unconventional Success, advocates for individuals to reclaim investment control from a self-serving industry. The Swensen Portfolio, with significant allocation to REITs and a balanced mix of stocks, bonds, and tangible assets, provides a snapshot of the strategies employed by successful, sustainable funds. This approach may especially appeal to those seeking long-term stability, such as prospective early retirees.
Rebalance Frequency: semi-annually |
>> Moderate Risk Investors
Gold and Gold Miners | Moderate / Aggressive |
A mixed portfolio of Gold ETFs (50%) and Gold Miners (50%).
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Hard Money Investors
>> Moderate Investors |
Permanent Portfolio | Moderate / Aggressive |
The Permanent Portfolio, developed by Harry Browne, is an investment strategy designed to thrive in the four primary economic states: prosperity, recession, inflation, and deflation. It comprises of four equally weighted assets: stocks for prosperity, cash for recession, gold for inflation, and long-term treasuries for deflation. This approach aims to balance economic risks and provide steady returns, low drawdowns, and high withdrawal rates, irrespective of market fluctuations. Browne's strategy is well-documented in his writings and further explored in 'The Permanent Portfolio: Harry Browne’s Long-Term Investment Strategy' by Craig Rowland and J. M. Lawson.
Rebalance Frequency: annually |
>> Moderate Investors
Real Estate ETFs | Aggressive |
A basket of Real Estate ETFs. Weighted equally between Residential, Industrial, Office, Commercial, Multi-family, and Agricultural REITs.
Rebalance Frequency: annually |
>> Aggressive Investors
>> Long term Investors |
Commodity ETFs | Moderate / Aggressive |
A diversified basket of commodity ETFs with different roll and weighting methodologies.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Moderate Investors
>> Hard Money Investors |
The Dragon Portfolio | Moderate / Aggressive |
'The Dragon Portfolio: The Allegory of the Hawk and Serpent' emphasizes on a diversified investment strategy that prepares for all economic conditions. Using symbolism from Egyptian mythology, it highlights the cyclical nature of the economy and the need for tail-risk hedging. It recommends a blend of traditional and non-traditional assets like equities, bonds, commodities, volatility, and trend-following strategies. This approach seeks to ensure profitability regardless of the economic environment, symbolizing the balance between growth (hawk) and protection (serpent). We made some relevant adjustments to the original portfolio to make it more accessible to the average investor. But check the inputs.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Moderate Investors
>> Hard Money Investors |
US-based Bitcoin ETFs | Not Rated |
A basket of US based ETFs. Most of these assets are futures based ETF which have significant tracking error. Also, at least one of the ETFs is a short ETF. We do not recommend this portfolio to anyone. This is just for educational purposes.
Rebalance Frequency: never |
>> N/A
Mining Companies - Bitcoin | Not Rated |
An equally weighted portfolio in the Bitcoin mining industry accross public mining companies. This portfolio is not recommended for anyone. This is just for educational purposes.
Rebalance Frequency: never |
>> N/A
Ontario Teachers' Pension [Target Asset Allocation as of April 2023] | Moderate / Aggressive |
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board is based out of Toronto. This is a proxy based on their investment policy dated April 2023. Please note the porfolio adds to 110% due to leverage.
Rebalance Frequency: quarterly |
>> Pension